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02 June 2006

Business Intelligence for simulating the future

Chris Caren (Microsoft’s general manager of Office business applications) had recently this to say about Business Intelligence: The latest three trends are: 1. BI products are usually considered as too hard for everyone to use and too expensive to roll out to as many people as one would want to. 2. Standardising onto one or two BI product lines that can serve all the needs of different types of user. 3. A change in the way people are thinking about BI: from a report-centric, historical view of the business, to a metrics-centric view – involving dash-boards and scorecards – of where the company is heading. I believe these three points are all valid and important but the last one is the key to success. The first two are more about technology, the last one is first about a change of approach and a change of objectives. It implies the realization that successful organizations will be the ones that focus on simulating the possible future rather than analysing the past. Peter-Anthony Glick

1 comment:

Peter-Anthony Glick said...

Thanks Paolina
Yes, Strategic Intelligence makes sense to me to encapsulate BI, Cust I. and Comp. I.. However, I assume that not many would understand what I refer to when using this term. I will probably still use BI for working out possible futures for now (quoting Strat. Int. as an alternative).